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Oh No! A change I really never wanted to make.

March 14, 2009

So the day has come, I have got to face up to losing my much loved online identity. @Twittergator.

Yes, I know, changing my username across the web could be fatal. I always advice new tweeps to pick their username wisely, as this could be a costly mistake.

What has forced this change, and put me into a cold sweat as I look for a work around?

I only want to update my Twitter profile!

Unfortunately, Twitter now does not allow usernames containing the word “Twitter”, so I am unable to save any changes to my bio.

Invalid Twitter username

Invalid Twitter username

The update to my bio is a cool new idea I really want to test, plus I will never be able to change any settings in the future if I stick with this username.

So first I have got to let everybody who follows me in various locations across the web what my new Twitter username will be. Then I have to update all the Twitter apps I use that save my login details. And this is only the start!

To keep a continuity to my personal branding I use Twittergator as my username / ID just about every where on the web, so my next challenge is to update all these.

Apart from the work and time needed to cerry out these updates, my biggest fear is losing a large proportion of much valued followers and readers. However, looking on the bright side, at least I will know the followers and readers that do stick with me are finding enough value in my tweets and blogs to pursue following me.

Before I can swing into action on this one I need to make one more decision.

What should my new username be?

Maybe a reference to Twittergator. Some thing like, TGator, would reduce the changes I have to make outside of Twitter. Or should I go with a more personal username, like ade_lack?

Hmm… Maybe I could put the two together?

If you have any suggestions feel free to shout em out in the comments below…

One Comment leave one →
  1. Michael permalink
    April 16, 2009 11:08 pm

    Wow. That’s sad. Still, it’s something that we should have seen coming. Twitter making their own name ‘copyright’ so no one else could use it. I like Tgator, unless you want to rebrand yourself with your own name – tha’s good too, has a certain ring to it. I wonder if they will also disallow people using the word ‘tweet’ in their usernames, etc.

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