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The Twitter How To Back To Basics Course

March 26, 2009

So there are now many so called “Guru’s” preying on new Twitter users (especially those looking to use Twitter for promotion) by charging for information that could be attained simply by asking on Twitter!

Whats worse, many of these “Guru’s guides” are promoting tactics that employ twam (Twitter spam), which ever way they dress it up.

Do not get me wrong, I am sure amongst all the crap, there must be some great advice out there. But how would you know before having (a) paid for the so called guides, or (b) followed the publisher of the guide for a period of time to be able to judge the sort of content likely to be inside?

The ironic part of this dilemma is that is one of the best uses of Twitter, researching of anybody on Twitter is so easy. But of course anybody new to Twitter will not know this yet!

That is why I have decided to put a course together, aimed at helping new tweeps discover the basics of how to Twitter.

This actually will also be my contribution towards helping keep the Twitter community avoid being over run with twammers. I want to show people how they can effectively use and enjoy Twitter without unknowingly ruining everybody else’s Twitter experience, whilst also protecting themselves from the ever growing number of Twammers.

Rather than just churn out yet another ebook guide, I will be publishing the Twitter How To, Back To Basics Course in various media. The seven simple tutorials will be available in the best format for communicating each individual guide. Tutorial one may be a PDF, followed by tutorial two as a video demonstration, ect….

There are two other key points.

One, although I am putting a lot of time into this that I could be spending on other projects that will actually make a profit for me, the Back To Basics Course, will be free!

Thats totally free, not free but you got to try my paid membership site, or any other bull. Just simply FREE!

Two, this is a project for the best of the Twitter community.

If you would like to help, I encourage you to get involved easily by visiting each tutorial overview, and letting me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments there (or here!). Any suggestions or advice that make it into a tutorial will include a link back to your Twitter profile.

When posting your comments please remember this is aimed at helping new tweeps get the best possible foundation of skills for making the most of Twitter. All though many new tweeps do indeed want to use Twitter for marketing, it is not a marketing course.

Please do go see what is planned for tutorials one through to five and give your two cents right now at


For those of you who are interested, I will be posting progress of the course on here, and showing how I put each tutorial together along with the tools I used to produce them.

One Comment leave one →
  1. April 15, 2009 4:08 pm

    I’m a newbie in the Twitter thingi, but I have find that its really cool tool
    if you want to promote yourself (or any other service you may like).
    Its not the most intuitive and easy to understand.

    But thanks G.d for ppl like you who helps ppl like me at their first steps into the Twitter system.

    Thank you for the post


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